
We accept and expect frustration, but should we?

Assuming you accept (even if you didn't expect) our shameless AI generated stock photo of a frustrated guy named Jim, let's talk about frustration.

Frustration is a part of life. It's a part of business. It's a part of growth. It's a part of learning. But should it be?
Sometimes, frustration means we're approaching a breakthrough. Sometimes, it means we're approaching a breakdown.

Often, frustration is a sign that we're trying to scale something that doesn't scale.

I have noticed repeatedly that in software engineering and business alike, people are expected to perform tasks that are not scalable.

Often that looks like a task that seems trivial enough to do, but once you think about doing it 10 times, 100 times, 1000 times, it's enough to make you're eyes bleed.
So what exactly does this have to do with AI?

Think about the tasks that take (cost) the most time in your business, for your team(s), for yourself.
I'll give you a few examples to start.

  • Manually entering data from one system to another.

  • Manually checking for errors in data.

  • Searching endlessly for that one email, or PDF, or excel sheet that a client sent over and you want to scream because you can't find it.

  • Explaining to the 35th new guy for the 15th time how to (fill in the blank)...

“Almost every company pays high-powered talent to do bullsh*t tasks because there feels like no alternative...”

But there is.

All of these things are totally fine if you only have to do them once. In fact if you only have to do them once, you probably shouldn't even think twice about it.

Of course until recently, you didn't really have an option, you just do what needs to be done, or hire more people to do it.

There is a massive hidden cost to these tasks.

Think about the highest paid, most talented, most experienced person in your organization.

Now think about how much time they could be doing the work that they trained for 20 years to build the expertise that makes them so valueable, but instead they are entering data into spreadsheets, or pinging people on teams or slack for answers to questions that no one should have to ask.


Can AI Solve Bullsh*t problems?

Let's be honest, there is a lot of hype about AI and sometimes it feels like the promises aren't being fulfilled.
AI isn't about to take away everyone's jobs, it's not going to completely redefine society, at least not for a while.

But what AI can do is allow society to collectively stop forcing actual humans to do meaninglessly repetative (bullsh*it) work that no one in their right mind wants to do.

“Imagine your company without the phrase:

'Hey does anyone know...?'”

One of the easiest and most obviously annoying problems we see across industries is that companies struggle to share information, especially with sufficient context to make that information even remotely valuable. There is a mountainous wealth of knowledge from years of experience and thousands of client/customer interactions and experiences burried in documents, spreadsheets, wikis, confluence pages, and archives that COULD be useful, but no one has the time or patience to find it.

Most of the time it would be cost prohibitive to even try.

Now, imagine your company without the phrase "Hey does anyone know...?".

Like Google and ChatGPT but with your magic...

One of the simplest and most powerful ways to leverage AI in your business is to use it to help your team find the information they need, when they need it, without having to ask anyone.

Imagine if you could ask google, or chatgpt about how to process a refund for a customer, how to set up compute infrastructure in your cloud environment, or even what the sales figures were for the last quarter and get an immediate reply?

Internal Knowledge management is a massive problem for most companies, and it's a problem that AI can solve. Don't believe me?

Try this...